Musk Al Tahara Musk Al Tahara Musk Al Tahara

Musk Al Tahara ( 6 ML )

Prix: 48 EUR (Taxe incluse)
Taille: 6 ML

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SKU: 6290360255118


It is one of the most beautiful and oldest scents. The Arabs have recorded its use since ancient times. It is distinguished by its stability and the strength of its fragrance

Plus d'information

A mixture of solid white musk powder, rose water, powder, lotion

Des détails:
Poids: 290 G
Épaisseur: 4.5 Cm
Largeur: 11 Cm
Hauteur: 11 Cm

Produits en rapport

Musk Hareer

Iris Musk

Rosemary Musk

lotus Musk

Musk Taif ( 6 ML )

Musk Al Hareer ( 6 ML )

Musk Al Tahara ( 6 ML )

Black Musk ( 6 Ml )

